Morning sickness tip that worked for me this week

I recently wrote about the wonders of acupuncture for preventing morning sickness. Seriously, it’s changed my life and made the first two months of my current pregnancy so comfortable and pleasant. Compared to my last pregnancy and the horrible all-day sickness I had for the first trimester, that’s nothing short of a miracle.

At an appointment with my acupuncturist Hannah earlier this week, I mentioned that I feel fine when I wake up in the mornings, but after I eat, I feel nauseous for 10 to 15 minutes, then it goes away. I’ve been eating either a bagel or toast because I thought bland food would be best on an empty stomach.

Turns out, the choice of food was my problem. Hannah said I should be eating something easier to digest like oatmeal, an omelette or congee, rice porridge. I replaced my bagel with oatmeal for the past three mornings, and that small change completely eliminated my nausea. I was blown away that such a small change could make such a difference!

What about you? Have you found any morning sickness tips worked for you?

P.S. If you’re feeling sick throughout the day or at night, that likely isn’t morning sickness; it’s a sign of depletion. In other words, your body is struggling to supply the nutrients it needs to create a baby. You might want to see an acupuncturist, functional medicine doctor, nutritionist or other specialist to get support. You don’t need to suffer!

The secret about morning sickness I wish someone had told me

The morning sickness I experienced with my first baby was debilitating. I woke up feeling sick and progressively felt worse throughout the day. I I couldn’t eat, keep down my prenatal vitamins or stand the smell of anything, including unlit candles. You get the picture.

That was a year ago. Since then, I started seeing an acupuncturist for postnatal depletion. (Her name is Hannah Tran for those of you in Atlanta, Ga.) After two months of weekly treatments, supplements and herbs, I have my appetite back, I sleep better and my energy and vitality are restored. I feel more like myself. Honestly, it was a total transformation.

Through this process, I asked Hannah about morning sickness. She said that true morning sickness happens, well, in the morning, and that it should be easily managed if you eat every few hours to keep your glucose stable. If you’re feeling sick throughout the day or at night, that isn’t morning sickness; it’s a sign of depletion. In other words, your body doesn’t have the nutrients it needs, and that’s a problem for you and your baby. (Side note: at the time I got pregnant, I had been on high-quality prenatal vitamins for eight months and eating healthy for years, and I still was depleted.)

The morale of the story is it’s not normal to suffer. Unfortunately many women suffer through all-day morning sickness (and painful menstruation for that matter), so we normalize it and assume that it has to be that way.

It doesn’t.

If this happens to you, know that this is your body telling you it needs support. (And if you’re afraid of needles, just go for the herbs and supplements. Every bit helps.) Do it for yourself, and do it for your baby!